Gary Thompson Avatar
Gary Thompson
Tinkerer. Explorer. Love scripting. RSS junkie.

Gary Thompson

Feels like fall this morning! 🍂


Gary Thompson

Feels like fall this morning! 🍂


Gary Thompson

Beautiful morning! 😀 The Ravens-Chiefs game last night was fun to watch! The tip of the receiver’s toe decided the game as time expired!


Gary Thompson

Started learning about Github Actions yesterday and finally got an example to actually run without errors. Still diggin'…


Gary Thompson

Loving this weather although the temp is going up to around 80 but the dew point is low!


Gary Thompson

Another beautiful day ahead! Sunny and pleasant!


Gary Thompson

Our local rail system called the T is finally back in full service in my neighborhood! Since my wife and I are “senior citizens” we can ride for free! In fact we’re taking it down to the north shore to check out the WW II ship that is currently docked by Acrisure stadium. Additionally, my wife and I share ...

Gary Thompson

Rabbit, rabbit! 🐰


Gary Thompson

I find I’m using ChatGPT more and more to help with coding questions where I used to rely completely on stack overflow.

Last day of August and it’s going to be another hot day!


Gary Thompson

“Every day is a bonus.” – Badger Bob Johnson I really love how I can update my main blog, my and my Datasette instance all from Electric Drummer! 😎 I have my annual dermatologist appointment today. Ever since my mom passed away from melanoma in 1991 I have been getting my skin checked. I have ...

Gary Thompson

Ended up spending 5 hours at the Subaru dealer yesterday waiting for my Forester inspection. The biggest time waster was a bearing problem that was covered by my warranty but gave the mechanics all kind of problems. They did have great Wi-Fi though! 😎


Gary Thompson

Strive not to be a success, but rather be of value. – Albert Einstein

Another scorcher today! I’m really tired of this excessive heat! 🥵


Gary Thompson

Mid 90s today with a poor air quality alert to boot! I can’t wait until fall gets here!


Gary Thompson

Another hot day with possible thunderstorms! ⛈️


Gary Thompson

I’ve added a parser for urls that are in a blog entry. I create an array of the urls and add it at the end of the blog entry before it is added to my Datasette instance. I might revisit the feature at a later date but I like it for now. A new version of my KM macro that directly updates my Datasette insta...

Gary Thompson

Now I can go back to looking at why my vector encoding didn’t work last night. Now I’m trying a new trick using my icon on the side of Drummer to both update my blog and update my Datasette instance. It worked! 🔥 This is really cool! Turns out the Keyboard Maestro supports url schemes so I can call my Da...

Gary Thompson

Next I want to experiment with creating vectors of my content so I can do similarity searchs.

Finished importing my blog posts that have been written in Drummer into a Datasette instance.

VP Harris gave an electrifying speech last night! One of the best I have heard! 😍


Gary Thompson

Today I’m hoping to get all of my blog entries into datasette and then create vectors of them for working with an llm.

Made good progress working with shot-scraper and sqlite-utils to integrate my blog with datasette. 😎


Gary Thompson

The Obamas were on fire last night! 🔥🔥


Gary Thompson

My goals for today:

  1. Incorporate sqlite with my blogging

  2. learn shot-scraper

  3. learn Github Actions

Another cool, crisp and beautiful morning! 😍


Gary Thompson

I’m looking at how I could store my blog content in an sqlite database so I can do more data exploration of it with Datasette. I’m wondering if I should convert the opml to markdown… I love working with data. Between pandas for python and datasette by Simon Willison there is so much I can do to explore th...

Gary Thompson

The Pirates scored more runs in yesterday afternoon’s win (7-2) than the Steelers scored in their loss last night (9-3)! I know it’s still preseason but the Steelers better figure out how to score touchdowns soon! Wasn’t the disruption of the quarterback room and a new offensive coordinator supposed to spa...

Gary Thompson

The Pirates finally broke their 10 game losing streak last night! 🙃


Gary Thompson

Looking forward to having lunch with some old work friends! 😍


Gary Thompson

Looks like the heat is coming back but with low humidity which I can deal with!