Evan Prodromou Avatar
Evan Prodromou
He/him. Board member at CoSocial.ca. Director of Open Technology at Open Earth Foundation (OEF). Founder of Wikitravel, StatusNet, identi.ca, Fuzzy.ai. CTO of Breather, TRU LUV and MTTR. Creator of pump.io. Co-creator of GNU social. Co-chair of the Social Web Working Group at W3C. Co-author of ActivityStreams 2.0. Co-author of ActivityPub. Co-author of OStatus. Grad student in CS at Georgia Tech. This network has been my life's work. Thanks for making it.

Evan Prodromou

@2001faster we're almost there aren't we


Evan Prodromou

@stinerman that one's a real roll of the dice, I agree.


Evan Prodromou

@benpocalypse which would make them the most happy?


Evan Prodromou

@mlinksva I mean, that's usually the intention. Sometimes I really want to find out how popular something is. Most of the time I'm hoping to spark thought and conversation.


Evan Prodromou

@mlinksva thanks!

Are you asking why the numbers are different between the four options?

Yes, seeking minimum obligation is not often compatible with child-rearing.


Evan Prodromou

@Keev Great question! I'll answer when the poll is done.


Evan Prodromou

@bhawthorne anyway, I'm sorry I replied to your choice not to answer the question. It's none of my business if you answer or not. I'm deleting my reply.


Evan Prodromou

@ridicol yeah, I saw a few. I was looking for the original source. The articles that mention Bloomberg don't include a link.


Evan Prodromou

@bhawthorne it's not a trick question but it might feel that way. "Would you want X for your child?" is another way of asking, "Do you think X is good for someone? Or is minimally harmful?"

Because for many of us, we want what's best for our kids more than almost anything, so it's a way to think about an option with the utmost care for the participant.

It may be specific to your family; if your child is passionate about lacrosse, sports might be the best option for them, if not for everyone.


Evan Prodromou

@dbs good choice!


Evan Prodromou

@MarkMifsud "none of the above" isn't an option. Choose the least bad one.


Evan Prodromou

@kaasbaas "none of the above" is not an option. What's the least worst?


Evan Prodromou

@ridicol do you have a Bloomberg link? I can't find any direct links online for "Bloomberg Eilat port bankruptcy".


Evan Prodromou

@bplein Aw! Best answer so far.


Evan Prodromou

@dave @samsethi @james I'm going to open a ticket for it on the Mastodon GitHub.


Evan Prodromou

@dave @samsethi @james I think it does a better job with the `object` of a `Create` activity.


Evan Prodromou

@dave @samsethi @james

It would also be great if more servers had better handling of arbitrary activity types.

It looks like Mastodon only handles a fixed set of Activity types and doesn't use fallback reprΓ©sentations for them:



Evan Prodromou

@Marrekoo don't worry, it's a non-binding poll.


Evan Prodromou

I've already gotten a lot of responses along the lines of "whatever they want" or "whatever makes them happy".

That's an admirable rubric for making a decision.

Now, look at the list and pick the one that you think is most likely for them to want or to make them happy.


Evan Prodromou

@Marrekoo which of these four professions do you think is most likely to make them feel good, purposeful, happy, and worthy?


Evan Prodromou

I really enjoy when people share their thought process with me as they go through my polls. The threads can be really fun. But just having reply after reply telling me how wrong I am and how bad it is to post questions I think are fun and interesting really wears me down.


Evan Prodromou

Of these four achievements, which would you want most for your child?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

I went to the doctor this morning and I got to take off my wrist brace. It's a good day.


Evan Prodromou

Wordle 1,175 5/6*


Skill 82/99
Luck 38/99


Evan Prodromou

Which is the best corner?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

For #SocialCG issue triage:

I've got a medical appointment for tomorrow in the hour before the CG meeting, so I'm going to move to the hour *after* the CG meeting.

I realize that changing the time is inconvenient to participants and I appreciate your patience.


Evan Prodromou

Wordle 1,174 3/6*


Skill 90/99
Luck 68/99


Evan Prodromou

Wordle 1,173 3/6*


Skill 89/99
Luck 79/99


Evan Prodromou

Should YouTube federate?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

White River Junction, VT has 7 fast charging stations. Two are behind a gas station and near a McDonald's. That's the best spot. Two are in a Toyota dealership; two in a Chevrolet dealership (that's the one we're at). One is in the parking lot of an abandoned hotel. None are within walking distance of the restaurants, cafes and stores in the downtown.


Evan Prodromou

So, who is in the Free/Open Source software community in Brazil, advising the government on how to move to the Fediverse? And how can I help you?


Evan Prodromou

I spent 90 minutes at a Market Basket supermarket in Biddleston Maine this morning. It was the closest fast public charger to our beach hotel -- about 15 km from the shore. I had a coffee and did some work in the supermarket cafe.


Evan Prodromou

Thinking this morning about people on Black Rock playa, enjoying the aftermath of the Burn and beginning to plan their packup and route home. Enjoy the moment now; Sunday is the best day; don't leave before you're gone.


Evan Prodromou

I meditated every day in August.

A calendar for Meditation Assistant showing all the days of August filled


Evan Prodromou

@LaurensHof how many Brazilians have joined Threads?


Evan Prodromou

Are you celebrating Labo[u]r Day Weekend?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

The thing about negotiations is that one side can't obstruct a deal. It just means that their demands havent been met. Negotiating means finding a solution that's acceptable to both parties.


Evan Prodromou

I'll be speaking at Berlin Fediday on Sep 14. Exciting stuff!



Evan Prodromou

New Brazilians on the Fediverse: you can own your own social media like we do at cosocial.ca .


Evan Prodromou

A reminder for those who attend the #SocialCG #ActivityPub issue triage meetings that today's is one hour early.


Evan Prodromou

There's a timeline where we decided to standardize on pie menus and those people already have a moon base



Evan Prodromou

How many email addresses do you have?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

I made a batch of elderberry liqueur from our backyard elderberry bush. It's got a beautiful colour. It's going to ferment for a couple of weeks and then I'll bottle it and let it age for six months. Should be a nice spring liqueur!

A big jug of elderberry liqueur, very magenta


Evan Prodromou

All other factors being equal, does having a silly name make Internet things more or less successful?

#EvanPoll #poll


Evan Prodromou

My gaming think tank is called Pew Pew Research