
Mick F

I have been using Base to handle SQLite databases on macOS for as long as I can remember. Today it failed me for the 1st time in a long time. It has not been updated in 4 years, which is not a problem per se but shows that my issue won’t be fixed anytime soon. So I am on the market for a new SQLite app of ... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

Browsing Maripedia, that I stumbled upon via kottke.org, I created this colour palette that could be really cool for the next redesign of Statium.


Mick F

On the UK willing to be a clean energy superpower Thank you Keir Starmer. It takes courage for governments to advance their climate change agenda because it impacts people both economically—likely destroying some jobs in the short term—and personally, as changing habits is a difficult process. In a sligh... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

On the UK willing to be a clean energy superpower Thank you Keir Starmer. It takes courage for governments to advance their climate change agenda because it impacts people both economically—likely destroying some jobs in the short term—and personally, as changing habits is a difficult process. In a sligh... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

A beer I got for finishing la Cap’Iroise back in May. Seaweed flavored. I really disliked it. And now I feel somewhat annoyed by the habit of forcing regional cultural heritage everywhere for no good reason. 🍻


Mick F

Hier, pendant Espagne - Angleterre, ces piètres jeux de mots me sont venus en tête. Enjoy. Ou pas. Une mauvaise passe de Bukayo, Cantona appelle ça une Henri Michel… Parce que Saka merde. Le côté droit de la Roja a une angine parce qu’elle Yamal Carjaval. Pourquoi Gérard nous empêche de rentrer ? Parce qu... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

This interview with Lori Gottlieb by Jon Stewart helps me realize my political anxiety is normal and that I should try to make it productive. But what can I do? Get involved in a campaign? Writing my thoughts is as far as I can go. Whenever I tried joining a political group, its internal politics and strategics were repulsive to me. Volunteer? I just found a program to help kids with homework, via jeveuxaider.gouv.fr that I didn’t know about. Vote? ✅ Encourage people around you to vote? ✅ It still feels like not enough. Also, Jon is hilarious: "My anxiety has never saved me from bears, but it oft... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

J’ai mis noir sur blanc le raisonnement qui va me faire voter pour le Nouveau Front Populaire aux prochaine élections législatives. 🏛️


Mick F

Excellent beer. Thick, spicy and strong. Loved it. 🍻


Mick F

I am not buying that Jason Kidd is not playing mind games with Jaylen Brown praise. Of course he won’t admit it. He’s down 0-2. 🏀


Mick F

— Journalist: Kylian Mbappé went to Real, I wondered if you had a reaction to that
— Luka Doncic: I already knew it.

Hilarious answer to a surprising question. 🏀


Mick F

Pierre Niney est assez épatant dans son passage à Hot Ones. 🍿


Mick F

I love rewatching movies and TV shows. Some pass the re-watchability bar, many others fail. On the agenda lately, Barbie painfully failed. I had enjoyed the movie when I first saw it though. Ted Lasso passed with flying colors. I am in the middle of season 2, and it might even be better than the first time... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

Profondément triste de l’annonce de la fin du projet Midnight Trains. Quand on imagine un futur désirable sur le chemin d’une transition bas-carbone, les trains moyens et longs-courrier sont dans le paysage. La France a raté la marche. 🚂


Mick F

This evening, i was forced to watch The idea of you. At the beginning of the movie, before Solène enters Hayes' trailer, I wrote this:

She’s gonna date a Moon. Then the age difference is going to be a problem. So they split up. But then they’re getting back together because love is the most important.




Mick F

Thoughts about the state of web tooling dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

I thought Ted Lasso’s look was influenced by Ned Flanders. Since this morning, I now think it is influenced by David Seaman. ⚽️


Mick F

Watching Blur’s Radio 2 concert on BBC from last July. Graham Coxon’s GC-3 guitar looks amazing. 🎵


Mick F

I sometimes work from Hibou Grand Duc and today was a treat. They played old school 70s and 80s rock’n’roll including Supertramp, Dire Straits and Creedence Clearwater Revival. 🎵


Mick F

Ce week-end, baisser de rideau de la Ligue 1, de la Premier League et de la Bundesliga. Beaucoup de choses à jouer pour se maintenir, se donner l’occasion de visiter l’Europe, ou mettre ses mains sur le trophée de Premier League. Tandis que déjà, au loin, Didier Deschamps prépare la prochaine page des comp... dirtyhenry.micro.blog

Mick F

L’étape, l’étape, oui mais c’est Pantani.

Vincent Delerm raconte que son père, Philippe, avait appelé L’Équipe pour proposer ce titre lors d’une victoire d’étape de Marco Pantani au Tour de France. 🍿


Mick F

Every announcement of a new album by Nada Surf is joy.

Moon Mirror is out September 13th. Watch In Front of Me Now



Mick F

Finished reading: The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe. Insanely rich. I read it English, which is not my native language, and it took me 7 months to complete it. 📚


Mick F

Pour clôre le sujet PSG - Dortmund, extrait de DM échangés hier au sujet d’Ousmane Dembélé :

— Comment tu peux avoir une technique de dribble aussi folle et faire autant de centres ratés ? — Le dribble, c’est l’enfance qui n’est jamais partie. Le centre, c’est l’adulte qui n’est jamais venu.
