Daniel Jalkut Avatar
Daniel Jalkut
Founder of Red Sweater Software and punkass of lore

I am the luckiest dad alive. Not only does my 16yo want me to hang out and chat at his birthday party, he is EXCITED to have me dress up in my Steve Buscemi on 30-rock "How do you do, fellow kids?" costume, and greet his friends. Now they're watching Mr. Bean. #winning

@linnefaulk I hope it passes quickly.

@linnefaulk yikes! I’m almost 36 hours in now, and had a long run today. No symptoms yet! Must have been placebos :)

@raineer My local Walgreens has it.

I got my Covid and Flu shots this morning. No side-effects yet, hoping for the best! But I wanted to grab that Covid vax ASAP because things are heating up. Maybe you should too?

@lorihc @smach anybody who can perform this well in public would probably tear it up in private management.

@waldoj I once reviewed a wine as having “notes of dirty diaper”.

@oskosk We've also confirmed the fix!

@oskosk Awesome, I’ll confirm with my customer! Thank you.

Breezy NYT Friday crossword. 7:16.

@drdrang As it happens, my wife’s name is Chrissa, an unusual name that was nonetheless used by AG. “Chrissa Stands Strong!” AG too, I guess.

@hotdogsladies @Moltz I have also been obsessed with them for a while. Really good. Big time fun. Check out the NPR TinyDesk concert, for sure.

@professor_j @oskosk And thanks to @idallas of course for making the connection!

Big props to @professor_j and @oskosk for listening to my broadcast issue and following up. You're both great assets to your company.

@oskosk My customer can get by in the meantime by whitelisting their IP address.

@oskosk Love it! So you seem pretty confident this will be addressed in an upcoming update? That's all I need to know.

@oskosk @jetpack.com If anybody wants to reach out directly you can email me at jalkut at redsweater.com - thanks!

@oskosk @jetpack.com I should clarify that the issue goes away completely if the client IP is added to the whitelist in Jetpack Protect. That's why we suspect something going on in Jetpack.

@oskosk @jetpack.com To be more precise a post with this content:


Causes a mod_security seeming failure, but the same post without either the ' apostrophe or the newline goes through cleanly.

@professor_j @idallas Thank you Jesse! In touch with Osk now and hope we can get to the bottom of this.

@oskosk @jetpack.com Thanks so much - feel free to reach out to me privately for more info or if it's not reproducible, but in my tests against my customer site the combination of an apostrophe and a newline in an XMLRPC post causes a failure that looks like it might be coming from mod_security. Is there a scenario where Jetpack might forward to a GET and then get caught by mod_security? Thanks!

@drdrang A special place for my wife, who grew up in Chicago. She used to go there as a kid and "rescue" coins from the fountains. Sorry to hear it's a ghost town.

Do I have any friends or acquaintances who are proximal to @jetpack.com Protect development? A MarsEdit customer has discovered that Jetpack Protect 3.0 denies XMLRPC requests with certain post content, and I have at least one simple test case to share.

@dxzdb My previous best in competition was -- I think -- like 29s. Hard to remember! But it was a lot higher than this ;p

I finally indoctrinated my children to They Might Be Giants. On a drive home from camping: "Can we hear James K. Polk again!?"

Over the weekend I scored a new PR by solving a Rubik's Cube in 21.96s.

Just posted MarsEdit 5.2.4 with a couple important fixes: one to fix Rich Text editing in macOS 15 betas, and one to fix a problem where multiple blogs' posts could be mixed together in the app. https://redsweater.com/blog/4130/marsedit-5-2-4

Core Intuition Episode 610: "Reinventing the 90s" https://coreint.org/2024/08/episode-610-reinventing-the-90s/

Thanks to @revenuecat for sponsoring our show!

Oh, and you should watch the whole video. It's only 19 minutes and dang I fit a lot of ObjC smarts in there.

Attention iOS and Mac developers! If you don't know about Regex Breakpoints, you're really missing out. I periodically remind people and have been trying to spread the word since 2019 or earlier. Here's a link to my short explanation of them: https://youtu.be/eSxXmnmjYZk?si=jMCBXONJTxK1amcj&t=965

I recently bemoaned the apparent loss of the AppleVis site/community, which serves Apple platform customers who depend on accessibility features in software. Great news! It's being revived by the folks at Be My Eyes! https://www.applevis.com/blog/applevis-partners-be-my-eyes-website-reopen-september-9-2024

I mostly love Backblaze but JFC it's been over ten years since I first complained that I have to wait forever for my files to load just to pick a date and wait again ...

It's rare to celebrate brand-spanking-new Mac apps these days! @Retcon is a new app that applies a massive dose of Mac usability to rewriting Git histories. Bravo! https://retcon.app/

Robert F. Kennedy has suspended his Presidential campaign, and endorsed Trump.

Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, looking remarkably like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

After I explained the whole "That's My Dad!" thing to my kids, my 12yo said "You're more of a Tim Walz dad." ❤️

Achievement unlocked: mustering the courage, in Amsterdam, to ask a random person on the street something in Dutch, having them apologize for only speaking Spanish, and then proceeding to ask the question in Spanish. 🌍

The unexpectedly optimistic state of the American Presidential race (for rational people) is proof that you can never rule out a happy turnaround. Good life lesson.

It seems like just one competent web developer could solve so many of JetBlue's problem. It's been clown town over there for years!

I don't think I've mentioned before that I'm on an adult softball team. We're called "The Beer Boys" and we just advanced to the championship for our very small, very casual league.

Selfie of a man with tan caucasian skin, a white stubble beard, and white/grey hair. Wearing glasses, wearing a blue baseball jersey and looking right at the camera. Baseball diamond in the background.

Listening to the latest @atpfm, I had the thought that Apple might go a long way towards mitigating the damage of "spite 1-star ratings" by uninstalling apps that you rate 1-star. If you really think it's that bad, you shouldn't be entitled to keep running it. @marcoarment

The chuckleheads who thought they could malign Tim Walz by calling him "Tampon Tim" think that providing essential products to women, and others who menstruate, is not only irrelevant, but scorn-worthy. These dingalings are HELLA weird.

The previews of the next Star Wars movie are intense.

Image from New York Times of an artistic swimming team at the olympics wearing swimsuits with the word