curmudgeonaf Avatar
History, archaeology, ancient civilizations, indigenous reconciliation and hockey. “All this has happened before, and it will all happen again.”

@mivox @bastique @hannu_ikonen Why are you paying for something you don’t use? You know it’s owned by a huge corporation, right? It’s not some Indy developer that needs the money lol

@verge What could possibly go wrong?

@derickr I went to Athens for the first time last year. This woman’s YouTube channel had some helpful logistical advice.

The metro in Athens is very good. I would recommend using it to get around. There are a few key stations to make note of, such as “Syntagma”.

The Plaka and Monastiraki neighborhoods are nice to just walk around, if you want to experience city life. Lots of restaurants and shops.

@Yehuda This is the world we have created. Despite its advantages, I am becoming more convinced that the world would be better off without the internet at all.

@ikluft @TheNewStack No mention of Marshall McLuhan, who is also credited with somewhat predicting the internet.

@verge Just because something is available in LA or San Francisco doesn’t mean much for the other 99% of people. For anyone who lives in a rural area, or in the middle of nowhere, it will take decades, if ever, for an EV to be convenient.

@skeletor So do I. It just isn’t generally expressed back to me. ☹️

@thejapantimes Canada had a triple gold medal swimmer.

@mfioretti_en This is why people always say that Wikipedia is not meant to be 100% accurate and trustworthy. It has a lot of good information, and much of it is correct, but it isn’t the end all and be all of knowledge.

@mrundkvist Neurotypicals have no idea what it’s like to live as a neurodivergent. Especially when you are forced to compensate as a square peg in the round hole of neurotypical society expectations 24/7. Basically, all your rational instincts, and everything that feels normal to you, is “wrong”.

@appassionato All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.

@mcnees It’s free for people who are smart enough to cancel in time. File it under natural selection.

@SethRudy “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

@thejapantimes Wasn’t everyone complaining about over tourism? Shouldn’t you be happy to have less? You can’t have it both ways.

@JessTheUnstill Any “wealth” that is based solely on stock holdings is made up fantasy money, anyway. It could all disappear tomorrow. If the money isn’t in your bank account, or better yet, in your hand, then it doesn’t actually exist.

@GrahamDowns @genxer @w3c I would say it was the break where everyone stopped having a personal website, and instead used a social media account. If we had stuck with instead of Facebook/MyBusiness, we’d be better off.

@GrahamDowns @w3c Tim Berners Lee is the tech industry Oppenheimer.

@MostlyHarmless Canada as a whole, is barely able to compete on the international stage with the largest powers in the world. How do you expect a single province to do? None of the provinces would be able to survive on their own. Unless they are comfortable being reduced to the status of a Caribbean island or something.

Irrational separatists only think of “independence” and fail to consider having to manage all the complexities of your own currency, diplomacy, foreign relations and trade etc.

@saraislet @lolgop I would say gerrymandering is an even greater concern, because it affects everyone, even if they manage to register.

@Toastie @sidereal Humans have a tendency to want to bend the forces of nature to their will, rather than bending themselves toward nature.

Rather than trying to make the desert bloom, why not simply live in regions that are naturally habitable to begin with.

@jasonhamel @siracusa I am locked into Overcast forever simply because I couldn’t live without the speed controls. Whatever sorcery @marcoarment uses to make higher speeds sound so normal is unlike any other client.

@jamiemccarthy I am pro-people-not-dying, and the idea of anyone choosing sides in war, as if you were cheering for a sports team is abhorrent to me. There are no good and bad guys in war. Nobody should be killing anybody for any reason.

@Dianora LOL, as if Americans are going to learn anything about the world outside the US, or even know how to read.

Something probably nobody told you, is that it’s super windy at the top of the Acropolis, and there’s a bunch of dust blowing around. I suppose the fact that it’s the top of a large hill might be a hint.

I was waiting to go to #Athens until they finished rebuilding the #Parthenon, but when you’re actually here, you realize how much is still is to be done. They’ll probably never finish, so you have to go sometime.

Overheard at the #Acropolis, “This feels so ancient” 🙄

The line at the #Acropolis is enormous, in November. Can’t imagine what it would be like in the Summer. That explains why I saw fewer tourists on the streets. They are all here.

Edit: The line actually moved pretty quickly. False alarm.