curiousgawker (he/him) Avatar
curiousgawker (he/him)
fascism hurts everybody. politics is not rocket science. elections matter. #harriswalz2024 #voteblue #fuckfascism vote against #Project2025

curiousgawker (he/him)

@squaremoon soon it will be over. hopefully for the better


curiousgawker (he/him)

@squaremoon he hates himself because his dad hated him and now he wants everyone to tell him he's awesome and this is why we're living in hell


curiousgawker (he/him)

he's worried she's taller than him


curiousgawker (he/him)

if dick cheney can take a stand against fascism with the beating heart of a feral beast inside him you can too, motherfucker


curiousgawker (he/him)

forget the word salad with the dementia croutons, he's gonna make China pay for your kids just like he made Mexico pay for the wall


curiousgawker (he/him)

just saw a woman wearing a "ya'll need Jesus" hat. nobody needs Jesus, ya'lls brains just need to be less lazy


curiousgawker (he/him)

I never thought I would have something in common with Dick Cheney


curiousgawker (he/him)

what this tells me is the judge has already decided that this motherfucker is going to prison so probably better it happens after he loses


curiousgawker (he/him)

i guess the country is just fine with the gop candidate for president repeatedly saying that he couldnt have raped someone because she's not rapeworthy


curiousgawker (he/him)

holy shit i'll be happy to die soon so i don't have to watch every innocent wild life on this planet perish while every human child around me turns into a cruel adult obsessed with nothing more than self-validation and violence


curiousgawker (he/him)

you're turning your already awful kids into potential serial killers because fucking eggs cost more at the fucking grocery?


curiousgawker (he/him)

every trump vance sign that goes up turns an impressionable kid into a cruel, possibly violent sociopath


curiousgawker (he/him)

american parents are raising an entire generation of performative cruel assholes. i see it every single day. one reason is likely the fact that the country has normalized a man who is the cruelest sociopath this country has ever known and the vile behavior of him and everybody he surrounds himself with. this country is fucked.


curiousgawker (he/him)

what will it take for someone to make a campaign ad about the January 6 insurrection starting with Donald just straight up demanding that everybody stop counting votes while he was ahead


curiousgawker (he/him)

jd vance's plan for child care: get older family members out of retirement
trump's plan for child care: word salad with a dressing of dumb


curiousgawker (he/him)

jd vance might be the least interesting, most one dimensional person to ever fuck a sofa


curiousgawker (he/him)

maga: the AR in AR-15 doesn't stand for "assault rifle" morons, it stands for "AK-47 rifle"


curiousgawker (he/him)

area speech speech absolutist censors himself on his own social media platform


curiousgawker (he/him)

donald's own niece and nephew hate him and his ex-wife has accused him of marital rape but sure you should go digging up tim walz's grandfather's brother's grandchildren to report on how his family supports his opponent


curiousgawker (he/him)

the gop thinks trump terrorists are only going to come after liberals and leftists when donald loses. dumb fucks still haven't learnt, when angry fascists come they come after you regardless of whether you supported the fascist or not


curiousgawker (he/him)

investors in donald's dumpster stock are getting anxious huh? why? i thought the fundamentals of your cult were pretty sound


curiousgawker (he/him)

everyone we told you was a nazi based on their problematic beliefs and behavior 8 years ago has turned out to be a nazi but you still won't believe us when we tell you who is a nazi now


curiousgawker (he/him)

before anyone does anything about gun violence first ask yourself if it was perpetrated by an immigrant and if not, thoughts and prayers should be more than enough


curiousgawker (he/him)

I just don't understand how anyone can summon up the sociopathy to travel to a drought stricken country for tourism. have some shame, jesus fuck


curiousgawker (he/him)

The worst thing about religion is it completely removes self awareness and self accountability and turns you into a terrible person which is completely obvious to everyone but yourself.


curiousgawker (he/him)

donald's sitting crying in his basement not doing rallies because despite lying that "they did it" he knows it was a maga fuckboy so he's 1 terrified, filling up diapers faster than ivanka can replace them and 2 depressed that even maga hates him now


curiousgawker (he/him)

what could be more dangerous than a narcissistically incapacitated guy who overrules every expert who disagrees with him, regardless of the job position he's interviewing for


curiousgawker (he/him)

i wish more people would wake up and realize that donald is not just saying bizarre things about democrats because his brain is incapacitated and he will say literally anything to pull shitty people into his terrible cult but also because he is priming them into a violence-ready state. like this shit


curiousgawker (he/him)

every statement from donald trump accusing democrats of ludicrous things like baby-murder that goes uncontested by the media will be used by his supporters to incite violence after he loses and the media is too fucking stupid to realize it


curiousgawker (he/him)

mediocre privileged white man explains to a female victim of online bullying how to deal with it.


curiousgawker (he/him)

my HOA doesn't allow me to put political signs in my front yard but it doesn't say anything about putting a "not voting for the rapist convicted felon" flag in my window and that's what I'm gonna do


curiousgawker (he/him)

@pratik the great northeast awaits


curiousgawker (he/him)

@cinemapaithiyam it's gonna be a landslide


curiousgawker (he/him)

@MaryAustinBooks@mstdn.sociaAND he actually got covid vaccines to people the moment he took office


curiousgawker (he/him)

@rudepundit i think its a general tendency on the part of liberals to be very defensive about everything because we know that every bad faith actor in the media is going to pounce on irrelevant shit


curiousgawker (he/him)

@Diamondjoy i might get a t shirt saying "not voting for the elderly criminal"


curiousgawker (he/him)

@squaremoon I'll probably use this on my next stand up lol. although my routine is more narrative than jokes so I'll have to build around it


curiousgawker (he/him)

@squaremoon I don't know why they're making it so easy for us but they probably don't even realize it


curiousgawker (he/him)

@corruptian tim walz made the joke about himself so its not even that


curiousgawker (he/him)

@MaryAustinBooks only until they run out of vp candidates


curiousgawker (he/him)

@cinemapaithiyam one of my all time favorite bike trails


curiousgawker (he/him)

@shoq I did this bit in my comedy stand up own mic


curiousgawker (he/him)

@MaryAustinBooks @paninid lol this appeared on my timeline literally the moment i pressed publish


curiousgawker (he/him)

@Tharpa i think he canceled his campaign rallies thinking his bleeding ear was gonna win by a 100 points


curiousgawker (he/him)

@druid i love wales. i was there a couple of years ago. visited wrexham and explored the pontcysyllte aquaduct and the neighboring towns. hope to visit it again soon.


curiousgawker (he/him)

@MaryAustinBooks exactly. the media thinks we're blindly competitive fools acting on primal communal instincts. well, liberals aren't this dumb


curiousgawker (he/him)

old man yells at people laughing at funny looking cloud, GUYS IT'S A CLOUD IT'S JUST WATER VAPOR