
Austin Carr

It always feels good when your coworkers start using the emoji you’ve uploaded on Slack


Austin Carr

AOC for Pres


Austin Carr

Whenever I get into an Uber, I know I’m about to either engage in the wildest stories and opinions I’ve ever heard, or sit in complete silence.


Austin Carr

The problem with my coworkers posting AI-generated art on Slack is that I can’t block them.


Austin Carr

I think it’s a good idea to think about what projects you wouldn’t work on for ethical reasons. Anything around gambling or the military has been on my list for a while.. A couple years ago I added crypto/blockchain. I’d add anything related to “AI” to that list now too, I think.


Austin Carr

At my first job in college my boss had a rule of “no gambling clients.” I thought, “Yeah, that’s a good idea to create a hard line in the sand for what you want to work on. It’s not ethical to work with an industry that preys on the addicted!” Turns out he just hated working with gambling companies.


Austin Carr

A teen said she liked my outfit today. Does that mean I’m cool?


Austin Carr

I played through Gordy and the Monster Moon! It’s a perfect little Halloween game that you can beat in about an hour.



Austin Carr

The VC money dried up and now all the apps are becoming terrible in a desperate attempt to turn a profit