Andy Carolan :prami: Avatar
Andy Carolan :prami:
Illustrator and Graphic Designer | Vegan | He/Him | Interested in #design, #creativity, #illustration, #remoteworking, and #sustainability Profile Picture by me. Header by me. #fedi22 #searchable

Andy Carolan :prami:

@hollie it’s a wonderful word!


Andy Carolan :prami:

@tekphloyd I'm not sure I can wait that long...


Andy Carolan :prami:

@hollie Whoa, what a weird word!


Andy Carolan :prami:

@sarajw ouch! Hope you’re ok!


Andy Carolan :prami:

@JenJen whoa, congrats!


Andy Carolan :prami:

I may be biassed, but I just made an amazing Teriyaki. The sauce was incredible.

Usually, I serve with Sticky or Jasmine rice, but this time I added Noodles to the Veggies instead.

Also, I steamed Tenderstem Broccoli and served it with Peanut Satay sauce.

No pictures because it didn't last long enough 😅

#Vegan #Food


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr Haha “Cuddled", looks like he's calmed down a bit lol

Have a great evening! x


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr LMAO, crowded here innit lol

Have a great evening dude!

Moooo xXx


Andy Carolan :prami:

@alexandra sounds lovely


Andy Carolan :prami:

Weather still hot … when will it cool down?!


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr Happy Weekend! Have a super awesome time!

Ooh, that's a nice badge!

Those forums are awesome, can find all kinds of info on them! (although I've not visited the Alfa one obviously lol) Discovered a nice site the other day for Fiat parts and spares...

Moooo xXXXXXx


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr This is a really good site for ebikes/scooters in the uk. Lots of legit brands

But then, we have this problem... (worth looking at the more info page)

ROFL oh yes, those one wheel things hahahaha. I would rather walk everywhere than get on one of those lol.

Moooo x


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr Oh yes, derestricted ones are scary! Plenty of YT videos of people on e-scooters doing 146kmh/90mph 😬 - Aside from the speed, it's those little wheels that scare me the most... hit a change in camber, a painted line or a pothole at those speeds and it will all be over very quickly!

I think regulation might prevent a lot of the cheap, scary ones from getting into the country. There's a lot of legit brands, sold, but you just can't ride them here.


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr ROFL... Well, I checked the AG bottle, and noticed it was getting a bit low lol. I bought the non-spray bottle 1l so will decant that into the AG bottle lol.

The pink gloves are awesome... they are food and chemical resistant, so are great for just about anything.

I don't have detailing brushes (I need to find some synthetic ones)… they are on the same list to Santa as the DA polisher LMAO. Oddly enough, I was looking at both on cleanyourcar.

Moooo x


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr LMAO, it's all a bit of a blur reall 😅

Thanks, have a great weekend! xXXXXx


Andy Carolan :prami:

@mihobu brrrrr! ☃️


Andy Carolan :prami:

@jcrabapple Pretty awesome thanks. You?


Andy Carolan :prami:

@Bymossypine @JenJen Happy almost autumn! I've already started on the Pumpkin Spice Lattes! 🎃 lol


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr Mmmm I do enjoy a nicely scented car. I will add a bottle of Bilberry to my next order... which I imagine will be very soon lol. I do try them first when buying car cleaning stuff… then UF.

Yup, they are ridiculous alloys to clean. I usually put a good coat of Snow Foam on them using the hand pump thingy. That breaks dust/dirt up a bit... then the AG wheel cleaner (until Bilberry)... than I put my pink gloves on and grab a small sponge lolol x


Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr I've heard both good and bad about the new management lol

Yup, you can hire escooters from the likes of Lime, and while you can legally buy an escooter, you cant use it on anything other than private land... officially 😉

eBikes are fine... as long as it's pedal assist. Again, officially... I've been driving behind Deliveroo riders on ebikes who are accelerating while clearly not pedalling. I have zero problem with it... as long as they ride safe for themselves and others.



Andy Carolan :prami:

@GrahamFr Lover! Thanks! I hope you have a 'blinder' too!

Ha, nice! Were (or are) you a member of the Alfa club?

Mooooo x


Andy Carolan :prami:

I have a Frequently Asked Questions page!

This covers my process, payment, free stuff and pricing.

If there's a question you have about my work that isn't listed, then please let me know.

#faq #frequentlyaskedquesti


Andy Carolan :prami:

If you want to check out what tech and apps I use, take a look at my /uses page!



Andy Carolan :prami:

@Jgmeadows i remember a YT Video where James Hoffmann tested “Smart" scales...

Imagine all that scaled up (sorry) to a whole espresso machine.


Andy Carolan :prami:

@Jgmeadows If an espresso machine requires an app, it's already failed*


We all know how this pans out. At some point, the app won't connect, and the machine will become a brick.

Get a Moka Pot, V60 or yes... a french press.


Andy Carolan :prami:

Here's some words from a few of the awesome people I've worked with!

#Social #Design #Illustration #Portfolio


Andy Carolan :prami:

Hana Summer Forever Mix!

It's nice and chill!


Andy Carolan :prami:

Here is a quick tour of my personality, values and quirks! It's purpose is to help others better understand me and get the most from our interactions.

#UserManual #PUM #Interactions


Andy Carolan :prami:

It's going to be a fine night tonight la-la-la-la-la, lee la la la


Andy Carolan :prami:

Leftover Terriyaki Bowl and Itsu Ramen Noodles for lunch 🍲

Beats a sandwich fo sho! ⛔🥪


Andy Carolan :prami:

Here's everywhere else that you can find me!

#LinkTree #Links


Andy Carolan :prami:

First "real" day back after the summer holidays. Extremely thankful to have so much work on at the moment.

Have a great day, whatever you have planned!


Andy Carolan :prami:

Emotional support nap 😴


Andy Carolan :prami:

It's the last day of school holidays today!

Back to 'normal' tomorrow 😃


Andy Carolan :prami:

It's Stoßlüften season again!


Andy Carolan :prami:

I just poured chilled, lightly sparkling Mango and Pomegranate presse all over my shorts.

If you're going to do something dumb, you might as well do it with style! 🍸


Andy Carolan :prami:

I receive so many spam/scam/phishing calls to my phone, it is a genuine novely when I receive one that isn't.



Andy Carolan :prami:

Morning! Busy day ahead at my desk! Coffee feels like such a long time ago, and I feel another one coming on.

Also, it's the last few days of summer holidays and I'm here for Autumn... bring it on! Pumpkin Spice Latte Season FTW!


Andy Carolan :prami:

I bought SOOOOOO many veggies yesterday. All packed in paper bags too, so that was a pleasant change from going to the supermarket and buying yet more single use plastic.

Intrigued by the varieties of Mushrooms there too. Some of which I’ve only seen before in Animal Crossing 😅


Andy Carolan :prami:

Karuta is a collectible card bot powered by Discord that features 90k+ anime characters.

Working closely with the Karuta team, I designed 240+ skill glyphs, and 50+ status and effect icons for use within the game.

#design #illustration #portfolio #glyphs #icons


Andy Carolan :prami:

What are other people using to cross post between Mastodon, LinkedIn and Bluesky? I'm just trying out Buffer, which I had forgotten all about after leaving Twitter (I still refuse to call it X)

It would be nice to add Threads to the mix too, but I'm not sure I want to delve too deeply into Zuck's apps 😬

#CrossPosting #Mastodon #BlueSky #LinkedIn


Andy Carolan :prami:

Aww no, not Fatman Scoop :(


Andy Carolan :prami:

Anyone else struggle with the change of routine over the summer holidays or is it just me?