Amy Hoy  Avatar
Amy Hoy
- OG web - design - hci - reading - writing - saas biz - edu biz - photos - cats - desert - she
fascism is like the nigerian prince emails: an incredibly powerful selection effect (derogatory) [contains quote post or other embedded content]
it’s so simple. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
this is an excellent point i love how the GOP hamstrings their young. makes them easier to catch. [contains quote post or other embedded content]
i'm beginning to think jd vance cannot lie
discord launch without getting stuck in an endless "downloading [unwanted] update 1 of 1" loop challenge
the main thing that makes a camera too shitty for me is bad sharpening artifacts. they're so hard to get rid of. did my absolute best on this one but you can still tell they're there. bummer bc i really liked this composition
a rare shitty cam i do not enjoy. it took a lot of tweaking to make these worth looking at. mostly i just want to go back with a better camera.
oops, forgot #ShittyCameraChallenge Vista Quest VQ9100 Sport UW [contains quote post or other embedded content]
PHASE 1: she's a BRICK PHASE 2: JD's drowning slowly… [contains quote post or other embedded content]
i voted! and everybody at the drop-off location loved rocco. and loved hearing about how he detects gluten 🥹 [contains quote post or other embedded content]
off on an adventure (dropping off my early voting ballot!) and rocco’s stylin in his new sun reflective shirt
i verified this. lmao [contains quote post or other embedded content]
tucsonans: [contains quote post or other embedded content]
hey dudes: [contains quote post or other embedded content]
got almost 8 hours of sleep I AM A GOLDEN GOD
these are all just from a little 30-min photo detour yesterday! [contains quote post or other embedded content]
🎶 we count only blue cars yakumo 47sx #ShittyCameraChallenge
this was really tough to edit and i'm not happy with it yet but WHOA
DED [contains quote post or other embedded content]
cloudscape from yesterday's monsoon storm pentax 645D, baby #tucson #photography
i’ve seen enough… wired: screwed the couch tired: screwed the pooch [contains quote post or other embedded content]
i need a way to selectively mute the threads of people i follow
got my iron and had way less of a reaction!! i feel tired but basically ok! usually i’m beet red (mcas flush), wheezy, nauseous and mentally fuzzy & exhausted a few mos ago, i had an honest-to-god reaction just to the blood draw and heparin flush lmao. usually the mask pressure welts are HUGE
omg is the day finally here?? can we finally impale the vampire of decorum and bury it in its coffin under a metric ton of cement??? this is so THRILLING [contains quote post or other embedded content]
we’re out and about, i’m hungry, we didn’t pack snacks and can’t just buy and eat something bc i didn’t bring my gluten detection dog and sometimes apples have gluten in the wax and i’m allergic to chemicals they spray on grapes and sometimes i react to bananas: the amy hoy story

@rfelix love it!

@manton the vague “it’s too much” feeling is 100% 1. propaganda, 2. white moderate behavior

@manton yea that’s because it’s rightwing propaganda.

you did fall for it.

exactly what should we stop doing? advocating for trans rights and against genocide?

@manton this is you right now. there is no such thing as “woke-ism,” that is a right wing talking point.

@rfelix maybe i can have energy for more than like 6 days at a time now 😭😭😭 and catch up with all my friends i miss

@manton it is a long time, because he committed an enormous number of very serious crimes with an enormous blast radius

@manton it is a long time, because he committed an enormous number of very serious crimes with an enormous blast radius


the amount of harm he did is absolutely commensurate with 25 years

and she got off light considering the harm she did to actual human patients

@manton the amount of harm he did is absolutely commensurate with 25 years

and she got off light considering the harm she did to actual human patients

@manton the amount of harm he did is absolutely commensurate with 25 years

and she got off light considering the harm she did to actual human patients