
Lance Zhang

新版 Reeder 要出了。

默認的四個筐是 Links, Later, Bookmarks, Favorites。不太懂應該如何區分後三者,不過它真正的新玩法是可以自己設定新筐,也就是 tag,然後可以將 tag 做成公開的 feed 供別人訂閱。比如這裏是我做的關於 Telegram 創始人 Pavel Durov 被捕的 feed。默認的四個筐也可以分享。如果妳足夠愛自己的話就可以輕鬆做一條「我在讀什麼」的 feed 出來。這個玩法相當具有前社交網絡時代的社交性。



Lance Zhang



Lance Zhang



Lance Zhang

Zotero 更新到 7 版本


Lance Zhang



Lance Zhang



Lance Zhang



Lance Zhang

不确定有没有正确发音,想下这个音是否让人想到其它单词。意义决定发音的限度,如果一个发音让听者想到了其它的含义,那这个发音就错了。(有时候是故意的,产生幽默效果)cost 不确定 o 是发 /ɒ/ 还是 /əʊ/,想下如果发 /əʊ/,让人想到的是 coast。


Lance Zhang







Lance Zhang

My Lifetime Reading Plan "But that was my goal: the pursuit of wisdom. And along with it, I wanted to develop a meaningful philosophy of life. That seemed urgently important to me as a teenager. It still does today. I wanted to take the high road, with the right values, and pursue the best goals. I wanted to appreciate the world around me more deeply, more richly—and not just the world today, but also the world in different times and places, as seen by the best and the brightest. Some people will tell you that this is elitist. But I have the exact opposite opinion. For a working class kid like me... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

at weekends or on the weekend? In British English, it's more common to say "at weekends", whereas in American English, it's more common to say "on the weekend". Both phrases are grammatically correct, but the preposition used differs. "At weekends" implies a more general or habitual sense, whereas "on th... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

temporary | ˈtɛmp(ə)r(ər)i |

英式发音可以把中间的 ora 省略掉。

literary | ˈlɪt(ə)rəri |


Lance Zhang

There’s a lot of evening and weekend work, but they are closed on Mondays. But you do get one Sunday off every four weeks.


Lance Zhang

That’s worth thinking about.


Lance Zhang

"Get the hang of something" is an idiomatic expression that means to become familiar with something, to understand how it works, or to develop a skill or technique. It's often used to describe the process of learning something new, such as a task, a hobby, or a system. For example: "It took me a few days... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

"Now, you might also be interested in the job at the City Road branch. That's for a junior chef, so again a position of responsibility. Right, well obviously this role would involve supporting the sous chef and other senior staff." What is a position of responsibility? "In this context, "a position of responsibility" is a phrase that means a job that requires the person to take charge, make decisions, and be accountable for certain tasks or outcomes. It implies that the job is not just a basic or entry-level position, but rather one that requires some level of authority, trust, and expertise. In t... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

"WOMAN: Well, to begin with, you'd be getting £9.75 but that goes up to £11.25 after three months. Man: That's not too bad. And I suppose it's a very early start? WOMAN: Mmm. That's the only unattractive thing about this job. But then you have the afternoons and evenings free." What does "a very early start” mean? Llama: "In this context, "a very early start" is an idiomatic expression that means starting work very early in the morning. It's likely that the job requires the person to begin their workday at a time that is earlier than usual, such as 5 or 6 am. The man is asking if this is the cas... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

How to pronounce £9.50?


nine pounds fifty

In British English, when pronouncing amounts of money in pounds and pence, the word "pounds" is used for the whole number part (£9 in this case), and the word "pence" is implied but not spoken for the decimal part (50p). So, the rule is to say the whole number part followed by the decimal part, without saying “pence".


Lance Zhang

"In my last job I was getting £9.50 per hour." Why does this sentence use "be + Verb ing” form? Llama: "The sentence "In my last job I was getting £9.50 per hour" uses the "be + Verb ing" form, also known as the present continuous or past continuous tense, to describe an action that was ongoing or in progress at a specific point in the past. In this case, the verb "getting" is in the -ing form, and it's combined with the past tense of the verb "be" (was) to indicate that the action of getting £9.50 per hour was happening continuously or repeatedly during the time you were in your last job. The u... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

In the past simple and the past continuous, we usually use a contraction with the negative auxiliary verb: didn’t (= did not) wasn’t (= was not) We usually say the positive and negative auxiliary verbs quickly and without emphasis. We don’t usually pronounce the final ‘t’ in ‘didn’t’, ‘wasn’t’ or ‘weren’... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

There are some verbs that we don’t usually use in the continuous form. They are often verbs related to the senses and thinking, for example: hear, see, smell, hate, know, understand, believe, notice, want, need, seem, wish. WRONG: Were you knowing Jess when you were living in Madrid? CORRECT: Did you kno... lancezhang.micro.blog

Lance Zhang

It's quite central, just off Cork Street.

What does the preposition "off" mean here?

Llama 3.1:

In this context, the preposition "off" is used to indicate that the location is situated near or adjacent to, but not directly on, Cork Street. It implies that the location is a short distance away from Cork Street, possibly on a side street or a nearby location. It's a common usage of "off" in informal directions or descriptions, similar to "near", "close to", or "just outside”.

Note: pay attention to the pronunciation of off:
| ɒf | ✅
| əʊf | ❎

我发现我很懒,什么音都喜欢往 /ə/ 上靠。


Lance Zhang

Milo's is a young, dynamic company and they're really keen on creating a strong team.

keen | kiːn |

mainly British English having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm: a keen gardener | John was keen to help.

• (keen on) interested in or attracted by (someone or something): Bob makes it obvious he's keen on her.


Lance Zhang

"The company will pay for you to get a taxi home" Why there isn't a preposition "to" before home in this sentence? ChatGPT: "In the sentence "the company will pay for you to get a taxi home," the word "home" functions as an adverb, indicating the destination. In English, when using certain verbs or phrases that imply movement toward a place, the destination can be expressed without a preposition. In this case, "get a taxi home" means to take a taxi to your home. If you were to include "to," it would be more common to say "get a taxi to your home," but it's not necessary in this context. The phr... lancezhang.micro.blog