Hunterrules Avatar
Welcome to my "professional account". You can tell by the hat. Longtime and still Xbox fanboy Longtime roosterteeth +rvb fanboy This account wont post anything nsfw and if I do I will put a stern content warning

@sanae tell me what do thiefs use to cover their face and identity. just give me a honest answer. notice how all 3 people in the picture are not just covering there face but there eyes, their mouth and the top of their head. I think its still fine to where masks there

@sanae HAHAHA, lol my mom is personally banned from shopping after accidentally forgetting something at sams club. dont give me the whole "why cant we as a poor kid just shoplift" thing.

@sanae ok but a white person can shoplift. I stole a pack of skittles as a kid and i never felt the same

god I love youtube. this is one of the best videos ive seen in a while and fufilled my childhood dreams. I might try this in my backyard

@PDFlynn count for 2 votes is what im saying

@sanae just say its for medical reasons. What's does being white having to do with shoplifting

@sanae just tell the store clerk if they ask. But generally warring full dark glasses, big mask, and some gloves is pretty sussy

@jacobyaudio less than 4,000 people in france are infected and its less than last week

@HamonWry or maybe because tiktok is chinese goverment propaganda spyware

@crazyeddie @sanae no where does it say ai schizo

@sanae based based based. you can still wear a mask

@ThatMan @adrienne you cant be this based on purpose

@KimCrayton1 I dont think you realize that you cant control mastodon. you can choose to invite and only allow certain people to interact with your instance. however you cant control the whole mastodon instance because it consists of people with hundreads of different ideolgies. some good some really bad and bigoted. just block the bad instances

#arm I fucking love having locked down componets

@lunduke @thomholwerda @omnipotens keep being based lunduke and making good linux articles

@personality_of_colt Take your fucking shcizo Meds NOW. Words can not describe how distasteful this is considering people fucking died

@MisterMoo insulting people is now the way to get them to support you?

this is one of the best clips ive seen in a while.

a scammer accidentily calls the police captain on phone and oh my god its perfect

>secure boot
I make sure to turn off secure boot because if you cant understand what is does and if its proprietary than it is not secure and you cant trust it. secure boot is not secure because if it was people could grab the source code. the fact that the nsa works on it means that pc consumers should avoid it

@ahltorp @defcon201 @mos_8502 the link they gave never existed until today. the names in the code are misspelled, and the fact that you can understand exactly whats going on in the with just 3 lines of code thanks to the extremely long variable names is also extremely odd

@ahltorp @defcon201 criticising is alot different than slandering.theres alot of evidence pointing to this being fake.

its acutally fucking over. a skidi toliet movie is in the works

Hollywood is over and a joke

@Raccoon why dont we talk in the discord

@defcon201 @renedario @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook @mos_8502 @chrisisgr8 you seem more biased on the left side. What you should be saying is to not take any of us for complete fact

@defcon201 @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook @mos_8502 @chrisisgr8 @fsf the difference is that houses cost 100s of thousands of dollars. Software piracy is copying software meaning its not harming the official software. You can destroy this copy and the official software will be fine. Sqautting is living in the someone's house. You damage something its not coming back like with a digital piece of software. And last point . ITS DIGITAL. Your comparing stealing a digital piece of nonexistent software to stealing a physical HOUSE. No it is not the same thing and are completely different discussions

@defcon201 @tofugolem @tomjennings @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook oh my god the link they gave In the code was never even registered at the time of the link. Its fake. even some of the account names i n the code are misspelled

I... must... blogpost

Someone reverse-enginered and ported fallout 1-2 to android and its amazing. It works so well on a touchscreen. I've been spending hours on it and usually never really liked the old RPG fallouts but this is so fun that I literally couldn't put my phone down. I don't know why but it just works on mobile and my old s6 can run it at over 35,000 fps

This was one of the funniest moments in the entirety of rvb.

god I gotta watch the blood gulch chronicles again

welp it appears the issue messing with the new intel chips appear to be.... drumroll please


Scan bottlenecks in your system using python. why has nobody done this before !!!

#adhd == 0 self control over the urge to spend 5 hours obsessing over a obscure useless topic and yes im proud of it

file managers should include the checksum of a file or folder so you can make sure its correct

>phone comes with an 8k camera
>phone can only display 4k

why do they do this? if your phone can only display 4k than how are you going to see all the details of an 8k image. I swear its insane people dont think of this

my mom just walked in and called pikachu ponyball

>hire a bunch of people in another country for a with no training and extremely shitty pay

>surprised when a disaster happens

companies are playing people like fools. diversity hiring is not just hiring a bunch of people from another country because you can pay them less

I never thought of this but couldnt wearing a helmet on a car save your life in a accident. in go karts and bikes a helmet can prevent a head injury by over 1000%(real thing). thats gotta do something in a car

Im going to be honest. the minecraft movie is going to be absolute garbage

NEW PICTURES OF THE MINECRAFT MOVIE HAVE LEAKED. it has been confirmed to be real as youtubers who recently uploaded got copyright struck by Warner brothers THEMSELVES for showing it. and oh my god its awful. I didnt believe it at first but the striking by Warner brothers pretty much confirms it is.

you know what I hate, tutorials where they teach you something to make yourself but then just tell you step by step exactly what to do. thats not learning and it never will be, at this point just download something that somewhat else made because your not learning anything

hey there, my name is hunterrules and im running a little... expierement. if any of you guys are a youtube addict like me I want you to dm me as I want to ask a few questions. It wont be anything nsfw or something stupid, its just a small experiment im doing for a video(will not show you in it if you wish). if anyone is interested join. it will be like 3 minutes for me to ask you and that will be it

>closed source

A thread about #arm

As a devolper and as a hobbyist arm is single handley the worst platform ive had to work with, and id like to explain some of the hardships that ive had with arm